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Finding balance

are you ready

for the next level?

to stop being stressed out and overwhelmed?

to be the best version of yourself?

to maximise your productivity?

Unlock your potential!
This coaching program is for you if you
- are ready to change your relationship to your work 
- want satisfaction, high performance and wellbeing every single day of your life.
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Finding balance is a 6 week program blending the impact of 1:1 coaching with online group sessions to change your relationship with your work and how you live your daily life.

Think wellness personal trainer!


**Places are limited to 10, so sign up now to secure your spot**

**Next group starts on 2 May 2023**

  • develop wellbeing & happiness while being more productive & efficient.

  • realise what it really means to have "work/life balance".

  • discover your potential using the arena of work.

  • get a true sense of what it means to have a "good time" at work.

  • enjoy more energy.

  • live your life to the fullest.

  • be more relaxed and at ease.

  • make the most out of your days at work.

  • gain confidence to create the environment conducive to your needs. 

  • allow your body to inform you how to better take care of yourself.

  • develop more awareness and concentration.

  • unleash your creativity.

"Through his classes and personal coaching he is teaching me more about wellbeing than is possible to describe with words. All his methods are constantly reminding me of who I truly am and how to BE present in my body, regardless of my life situation and challenges. 

No other spiritual teacher brings me to this space so gently and effortlessly. It is just his presence that does the trick. 

Brian, I consider myself fortunate to have met you and you play a bigger role in my life than you know. 

Thank you for all that you have done for me and may your impact rise exponentially so that this world becomes an even better place."


— Alja, Slovenia

What you'll get

  • 6 week program

  • 3 one-on-one 60 minutes sessions

  • 6 weekly group online sessions

  • Daily messages with powerful tools and techniques, & accountability check-ins

  • Phone and email support in between sessions

  • Additional resources


"I never expected that I would have the discipline to practice by myself. I can’t even do salute to the sun for more than a few days and I can’t maintain regular walking. BUT Brian’s teaching has had a lasting effect on my need and wish to sit and to perform some of the practice by myself.


Day to day, I deal with stress and stuff ups so much more calmly. I attribute this to the practice I learnt from Brian’s teaching. Thank you Brian."

— Marilyn Kohlhase, New Zealand

Is this for me?

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  • If you want to be more effective, happy and fulfilled with how you spend most of your waking life.

  • If you want to see more efficiency and better results whilst developing your growth.

  • If you are in a "successful" career but not fulfilled.

  • If you are ready for the next level of your life.

  • If you want to maximise your time.

  • If you are ready for more meaning in your life and relationships.

  • Then YES.

"Brian, as an individual and a professional, is one of the deepest human wells of experience and wisdom I have ever met and from which all walks of life not only can but will learn and grow, whether consciously or subconsciously.

His impressively diverse background and far reaching experiences have resulted in his unique ability to gather, interpret and distill far-reaching truths into an empirically guided set of equally optimistic and practical values and visions. 

Luckily for us, Brian has lovingly and selflessly made his life mission to share his teachings with the world – and quite prolifically. In doing so, Brian shares not only his calming energy and intuitive presence, but also a measured approach to education, with friends and clients alike."

— Jessie Poquérusse, New Zealand

your investment

Remember that the person you are now didn't happen overnight so you can't expect it to change overnight.

It takes time, commitment, patience and will.

But I'll be here for you every step of the way!


One upfront payment. Payment plans available.

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